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The Face (Harry Tyler Book 1) Page 21

Slaughter A safe place to dispose of stolen goods (also slaughter house)

  Smack Heroin (also horse, H, junk, skag, shit, brown, Harry, boy, the white palace, the Chinaman’s nightcap)

  Sov £1 (from sovereign)

  SP Information (starting prices)

  Speed Amphetamines (also sulph, whizz, Billy, phets)

  Spiel Patter

  Squirt Ammonia in a bottle

  Stewards Investigation (from steward’s enquiry)

  Stretch One year in prison

  Stripe To cut the face with a Frankie or a chiv

  Swede Head (also loaf, loaf of bread=head, noggin)

  Syrup Wig (syrup of figs=wigs)

  Taters Cold (potatoes in the mould=cold, also brass monkey’s, from it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey)

  Tea leaf Thief

  Thru’pennies Breasts (thru’penny bits=tits; also Bristols, Bristol City’s=titties, Earthas, Eartha Kitt’s=tits)

  Tiddlies Chinese people (tiddly wink=chink)

  Tin-tack Sack

  Tits up To go wrong, or pear-shaped; as in “it’s all gone tits up”.

  Tom Jewellery (tomfoolery=jewellery)

  Weasel Coat (weasel and stoat=coat)

  Whistle Suit (whistle and flute=suit)

  Wipe his mouth To put up with the situation

  Wrong ’un Bad or untrustworthy person

  Yelland see Grumble


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  ISBN: 978 1 78219 354 8

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